Friday, April 20, 2007

Green Laundry!

Ah, another beautiful day and what is prettier than a full line of laundry billowing on the breeze?

I have always preferred hanging my laundry to dry than using the drier. The drier is one of the most expensive appliances to run - and it shrinks my cotton clothes - and - the laundry smells like fresh air itself when dried on the line. What is more sensual than crawling into a bed made with freshly washed, line-dried sheets? (well I can think of a few other things but lets stick to laundry!)

I hang clothes out year round - it makes me laugh to try to bend frozen sheets and towels to make them fit in the laundry basket in the winter. When the weather doesn't allow I have drying racks - the neat old wooden kind - that I use indoors. I feel good about not using power unnecessarily for laundry and love the zen of hanging it out and folding as I take it off the line. I even like my pegs, some of which are very old, passed along to me by my mother-in-law.

I don't use diapers anymore, but for each of my children I can proudly say I never put an ucky, plastic, so environmentally reprehensible disposable diaper next to their perfect skin. (don't get me going on this topic!) The soft flannel diapers I used always bleached white in the sunshine, my kids never got diaper rash and I used to sit on our bed with the baby at my side folding the diapers (I am a pro at folding square diapers to fit - my mom taught me how) and laughing and singing and playing as I went.

So you see, laundry means so much more to me than clean clothes!

Living on a well in the country we decided to by a front loading, energy/water efficient washer. I love it and again, I am doing a small thing for the environment. Do you like hanging laundry out? Send me photos of your laundry!

Oh, and look what was on the line!