Right after I wrote my first Earth Day blog I heard from Buck
"I think it's great with your "Earth Day" - I try to do my part, I pick up a piece of garbage a day, and re-use or re-cycle everything possible, I also have a townie bike I have built up that I ride around to get things instead of driving my car!"
Hey, way to go Buck, that is great. Just think what things would be like if everyone road a bike to work or to get groceries, better health, better air! Cycle and re-cycle!
and Doreen
"Happy Birthday!!!It's great when the government does something right for a change! My Mom, husband, and I will be recovering from the movers taking most of our furniture on the 20th, coping with camping in our house until after my last concert with my beloved choir, The John Laing Singers, when we'll be driving to Nova Scotia to take up residency in our new (200-year-old) house and new life together. With luck, I'll squeeze in a dog walk on the 22nd to celebrate Earth Day and your birthday! I hope you all have a wonderful time in Algonquin! (Try a canoe instead of a kayak -- much better for the Northern Ontario wilderness!) All the best, Doreen"
Hey Doreen, just think, you are practicing one of the three Rs (reduce, re-use, re-cycle) by re-using a 200 year old house! Happy moving, and do walk that dog!